Legal notices


– Information
The website “Cameroon Embassy Berlin” ( -> French) publishes information from the Embassy’s services and ……….

– Technology and hosting of the website

The website is developed under WP, an Open Source CMS under GNU/GPL license.

It is hosted by Seppo Solutions

– Reuse of content and links

Unless explicit mention is made regarding the intellectual property rights held by third parties, the contents of this website are proposed under an open license.

In particular, you are free to reproduce, copy, modify, extract, transform, communicate, broadcast, redistribute, publish, transmit and exploit them, provided that you mention their source, their date of last update and do not mislead third parties as to the information contained therein.
Any public or private site is authorized to establish, without prior authorization, a link (including a deep link) to the information published on this site.

– Photo credits
The photos on this website come from different sources. By default, they come from the Embassy of Cameroon in Berlin.

For protected photographs, please request the authorization of the organization mentioned in the credits.

– Responsibility clause

The information on this website is provided as a service to the public. Despite all the care taken in the transcription of official texts, in the verification of contents and information, the elements put on line cannot, in any way whatsoever, claim to be accurate and engage the responsibility of the Embassy of Cameroon in Berlin.

The information and/or documents available on this website may be modified at any time, and may be subject to updates.
The Embassy of Cameroon in Berlin shall in no case be held responsible for any damage of any nature whatsoever resulting from the interpretation or use of the information and/or documents available on this website.

– Proposed hyperlinks
Numerous links to other websites, private or official, are proposed. Their presence does not commit the Embassy of Cameroon in Berlin as to their content and only aims at allowing the Internet user to find more easily other documentary resources on the subject consulted.

– Privacy policy
Learn more about our policy on the protection of personal data.

– Applicable law

Regardless of the place of use, this site is governed by Cameroonian law. In the event of a dispute, and after all attempts to find an amicable solution have failed, the Cameroonian courts shall have sole jurisdiction to hear the dispute.

For any question relating to the present conditions of use of the website, you can write to us at the following address:
Embassy of Cameroon in Berlin
Web Service
Ulmenallee 32
14050 Berlin

Contact us by e-mail

– Writing to the webmaster
You can send comments or suggestions to the webmaster. He will do his best to take them into account. However, he will not be able to respond to specific requests or requests that go beyond the strict framework of the administrative or technical management of the website. 

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