The Minister of Youth and Civic Education, Mr MOUNOUNA FOUTSOU, made a working visit to Germany from 20 to 27 June 2022 in the Baden Württemberg region. He was at the head of an inter-ministerial delegation comprising not only executives from his ministry, but also from the Ministry of External Relations. He was welcomed on his way out of the plane in Stuttgart by the Cameroonian Ambassador, H.E. Victor NDOCKI. The ambassador was accompanied on this mission by the cultural adviser.

This mission of the Ministry of Youth and Civic Education mission in Germany was made possible by the invitation of Mr. HIOBI Bernard Valère, President of My Africa e.V. and General Manager of the German Business Center Hima to the Minister of Youth and Civic Education in Germany. It was for the Ministry of Youth and Civic Education to show by his presence the importance and support of the State of Cameroon to its Diaspora, to sensitize the youth residing in Germany on the mission of promoting the initiatives of the Diaspora in Cameroon, on the actions of the Programme of Assistance to the Return and Integration of the Youth of the Diaspora (PARI-JEDI), as well as to discuss with the German partners of My Africa e.V, allies of the German Business Center Hima in the implementation of the German work-study model in Cameroon. It should be recalled that the Programme of Assistance for the Return and Integration of Young People from the Diaspora (PARI-JEDI), whose objective is to facilitate the return of young Cameroonians from the Diaspora to their country for their effective contribution to the national development effort.

A meeting with the Cameroonian Diaspora on 25 June 2022 in Heilbronn ended this mission during which the Cameroonian delegation was received in turn by the Mayor of Heilbronn, Mr. Harry MERGEL, the Mayor of Neckarsulm, Mr. Steffen HERTWIG, and the Mayor of Heubach, Dr. Joy ALEMAZUNG where the Minister and the Ambassador put their signatures in the guest books of these respective cities. She also visited leading companies in the region (among others FÖRCH) and a technical college for vocational training which works in collaboration with the CMPJs of ATOK (Eastern region) and MIMBOMAN (Central region).

Signing of the guestbook in the city hall of Heilbronn in the presence of the mayor (Oberbürgermeister) Mr Harry MERGEL.

Working visit in Germany from 20 to 27 June 2022

The meeting with the Cameroonian diaspora on 25 June 2022 in Heilbronn

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