As part of his tour of Europe, the Sultan King of the Bamoun, His Majesty MOUHAMMAD-NABIL MFORIFOUM MBOMBO NJOYA stayed in Berlin from 11 to 12 June 2023.
During his stay, the Monarch visited the HUMBOLDT FORUM museum, which houses the throne of the Bamoun Kingdom, taken away in 1908 by the Germans during colonisation.
On his arrival, the Sultan sat directly on his throne, to the satisfaction of the Bamoun community and the Cameroonians, who had come in large numbers to celebrate this part of Cameroon’s history.
The gardens of the Cameroonian Embassy in Berlin were then the setting for important moments of communion between the King and his community, in the presence of many compatriots from other regions of Cameroon as well as friends of our country.
H.E. NDOCKI Victor, Cameroon’s Ambassador to Germany, and his collaborators accompanied the King at each stage of his stay in Berlin, which ended on the evening of 12 June 2023, to the satisfaction of all.